The gift shop is housed in the old wooden extension, and is packed full with useful and decorative items, such as bells, windchimes and enamelware. Summer hats are a specialty, ranging from sturday sun hats for the garden, to stylish beach hats, to showy numbers for Red Hat Society ladies. We carry a nice line of lightweight Indian cotton tunics for gardening, and a verging on the sumptuous array of shawls and scarves.

Naturally we sell tea, teapots, cozies and tea related items, plus jewelry, imported gifts and more. Books on gardening or herbalism, tools, and concrete birdbaths and statuary will appeal to gardeners. We have locally made items such as pottery and handmade soaps.

In stocking the shop, we give preference to quality-made items sourced from the USA, India, Indonesia, South Africa, England and Ireland, to name a few.

What is ‘The Nutshell”? It is a tiny studio, built by Pat Kane as a gift to our mother, Judith. This sweet little space is now an adjunct shop – who knows what you will find out there! The Nutshell is in the shrub yard, near the garden statuary.